Update 2023

I'm gathering my courage.

Who is behind all this?

Anybody interested?

Can anybody do anything about it?

Old content from 2015 & 2017 is below.

I decided to keep it here.

I removed some of the links that no longer work.

ElaHoward.com is no longer my page. AlienGirl.blue is not active.

All these years, the creators of "Alien Boy" provocation film keep showing the film.

Hi, I'm Ela Howard. This webpage is to document some of the death threats and harassment I've been subjected so far(I'm not going to get into the most gruesome content). And the weird and/or violent stuff that appeared on the internet at the same time.

I have been threatened to be "erased with no trace." I want to live. I'm trying to make a TRACE.

On my other webpages/blogs are about what went on for years. My 12 years of work for Cascadia Behavioral Health in Portland Oregon where I was a civilian crisis response clinician going out with the police to respond to crisis calls... The death of James Chasse in the hands of the police... The gigantic provocation that followed... The "Alien Boy/Alien Girl" where the officers who killed James Chasse smile and grimace, and... the I'm being presented as accountable for Chasse's death... Cascadia, my employer, co-produced the film. Besides forging the info in the film, there were forgeries of legal documents, including grand jury, court cases and a federal investigation... The draining of taxpayers' money... The death threats. Cascadia firing me for "asking questions" and "poking around." The dismissal of my court case. Harassment and death threats. More death threats. My cries for help... It's a whole bunch of Long Stories.

My internet content in progress to make a TRACE.



James Chasse Portland Oregon Ela Ella Howard Poland
James Chasse Alien Boy Alien Girl Ela Ella Howard Portland Oregon

James Chasse was a Christian who was targeted since high school.  On September 17, 2006, he was walking from church. A police officer and a sheriff's deputy followed him, pursued him and threw him to the ground. Then they took him to jail. They subjected him to massive injuries and caused his death. James Chasse died. The officers were not charged. After the death of James Chase an intense weay of social activism was unrolled with blogs, news, demonstrations, lawsuits... Except... this "social activism" turned out to be a... pseudo-activism. It turned out to be a giant provocation ran by provocateurs and a network of globalists who call themselves "Process Workers." The "Process Workers" are in all kinds key positions, including Cascadia, my former employer. The "social activist" who led the "outcry" was actually... in cahoots with the culprits. The community was terrified by the horrifying way James Chasse was killed. The community was pitted against the police and vice versa.

The same hand has been playing both sides. The same hand has been holding all the cards.

The pseudo-activists made the film "Alien Boy, the Life and Death of James Chasse..." The film covers up for the real culprits and is filled with lies...  It incites violence.  It uses a song "go and grab your gun, you're always on the run, 'cause she's an alien..." "you have no rights at all...." "Go get this piece of scum." In the film a Nazi/Satanist/terrorist-inciting punk rock band "Poison Idea" is presented as "friends" of James Chasse.  The establishment and the media keeps from the public that pseudo-activist and the the producer of "Alien Boy," Jason Renaud is actually... the assistant to the president of the Oregon Euthanasia network. The media presents him as a "social activist" and an "expert" in police accountability.

And so it goes... The ones responsible for James Chasse's death keep being rewarded... More and demonstrations were staged, more and more violence, more and more tension between the community and the police...  Big $$$  money kept flowing to the pockets of choice...  Politicians were elected with the help of the pseudo-activists. The provocation kept growing and growing.... And it keeps growing...

James Chasse Alien Boy Alien Girl Ela Ella Howard Portland Oregon

Besides of what the provocateurs did to me, the Portland Provocation Machine has prepared a huge anti-Semitic smear. Right now, it's just sitting on the Internet.

It's horrible.  It's ugly.  Please don't believe it!!!

Please find my pages!  And Please find a way to save US all !!!!!!!!

PortlandSecret.wordpress.com is a summary of the comments I made in Portland press in early 2016.  My comments can be also found on the Oregonian webpage and on Discuss. Some of my comments were deleted.  There was no reaction.  And I was subjected to more grusome death threats and intimidation and told to "shut up."  I stopped making comments and stopped updating my webpages.  Now, in the spring of 2017, I gathered my courage to start writing again, even though so far I haven't got any response.

Now, slowly, I'm getting to the really bad stuff, that is, the description of the harassment.  First, the intro:

I came from Poland to Portland, Oregon in 1996 when I was 29. My name is spelled actually spelled Ela (Elzbieta, the Polish equivalent of Elizabeth), but I made this page ellahoward.net under "Ella" to increase the possibility to be found by the search engines.

I also created a Facebook page Ela Howard Blogger for the same purpose; to document the horrible harassment I've been under.
My personal Facebook page is facebook.com/ela.howard.5
 - NOT the page with a profile picture where a woman jumps of the cliff and there's a diving platform over a frozen lake and there are remarks about death and being dead.  And the twitter account @ela_howard with some really weird tweets is not mine either. And the page that comes up about marijuana has nothing to do with me either. There might be also other weird things/accounts that try to impersonate me.

I apologize for any spelling mistakes.  I came to the USA as an adult. I speak and write Immigrant English.

It is scary for me to make this page. I might be subjected to more death threats. Every time I tried to speak up, I was threatened into silence. So I was silent.  But being silent has not saved me from being threatened even more. Silence doesn't help.

Ela Ella Howard Poland Portland Oregon violent videos Ela in the title

Nobody wants to help me. Everybody I talked to either laughed me off, or/and discouraged me for "going after" Cascadia and the whole deception.  Everybody told me to "relax," or to leave town and"go into hiding."  I don't know where to go.  I don't have the means to flee. 

Cascadia hired a lawyer under the pretense to help my supervisor Barb Snow (sister of Kate Snow, NBC anchor) to relate better"  to me as a minority employee. However, the lawyer used the time with me to intimidate me with a death refference - it was a cake decorated with gravestones my Cascadia supervisor brought to work - and to pre-forge documents in case of a future lawsuit. 

In 2015, I I filed a Civil Rights complaint with Portland Civil Rights division of Bureau of Labour and Industries against my former employer Cascadia.  BOLI intervewed me on the same day when they sized the assets of the backery "Cupcakes by Melissa" - the bakery that refused to bake a cake for the lesbian couple.  The BOLI investigator who spoke with me on the phone acted as if she was intellectually incapacitated and couldn't understand follow the conversation.  Even though I submitted a detail questionaire she should have read before the conversation, she acted as if she had never heard of the death of the James Chasse, the years of activism, lawsuits and the Federal investigation that had been on the news for 9 years.  She told me that Cascadia submitted a 2 inch thick file documenting my wrongdoings and that she was going to dismiss my case. I told her that the documentation was submitted by Cascadia was forged.  I told her how the Cascadia lawyer treated me.  The investigator told me, "but Cascadia said the lawyer was respectable."  BOLI dismissed my case.

I had an interview with Portland BOLI investigator on December 28, 2015.

I called it a “Cake Day." It is because of a coincidence - my interview with Portland BOLI investigator was on the day BOLI sized financial assets of the bakery Sweet Cakes as their fine for not baking a wedding cake for a lesbian couple.  The “cake coincidence” was that during my interview with BOLI a cake was also discussed – in my case it was a cake decorated with - gravestones. Before Cascadia fired me, they hired a lawyer who produced documentation on behalf of Cascadia and held a picture of a cake decorated with gravestones in front of me.

As I said before, BOLI dismisssed my complaint.

After Cascadia fired me in 2014, I immediately started being subjected to gruesome acts of intimidation on the street and in public places.  Throughout 2015 (this is when I first noticed them) there were violent videos appearing in my browser when I googled my name. Like this one, with the title "ELA Project." It depicts a car crash, seemingly fatal,  The text talks about death and shooting.  The song goes, "we like to smoke weed, we like to have fun..." then the car crash, and later, a kid beats up another kid.  When I click on this video, another list of videos appeared  One, also called "Ela Project" is about "Hitler preparing for a fight." It depicts boys talking about Hitler, using heavy anti-Semitic slurs, saluting Hitler and engaging in a fight with a Jewish boy. Another video "Schindler's List" starts with music, but then progresses into a fight and a stabbing of a Jewish boy.  And some other videos, really weird and scary ones.

In the summer of 2015, somebody stuck a piece of paper in my mailbox that said "Ela Project x." Nothing else.  I didn't know what to think of it. I've been under harassment for a long time. I didn't know what to do about about the "Ela Project x" letter, so I threw it into recycling.  But then more and more direct harassment kept happening. I looked at the videos and discovered that "ELA" on the internet means English Language and Arts project.  The project is for kids.  But... there were some extremely violent videos on it. 

September 17, 2015 there was a "night of rage" demonstration. James Chasse was killed in Portland, Oregon, on September 17, the day of the American Constitution, the best constitution ever. September 17, 2015 was the ninth anniversary of the death of James Chasse, the man the film "Alien Boy" is about, the film where the filmmakers/producers used my name for their fictionalized crisis responder character and covered up for my employer Cascadia. In the "Alien Boy" world Cascadia simply doesn't exist. The filmmakers cast this "Ela Howard" character as a wrongdoer. The film triggered a whole wave of unrest in Portland. The community member and the police were pitted against each other. People suffered and died.  There were attacks on police officers. The provocateurs took the film to festivals and internationally. 

Since the death of James Chasse in 2016 instead of celebrating the Constitution, the provocateurs made the kids and grown-ups in Portland demonstrate AGAINST the country. The provocateurs stage demonstrations that include burning the American Flag.   Cascadia Behavioral Health, my former employer, has co-produced the film "Alien Boy" and set me up as a target. The main producer is Jason Renaud, who for years has been presented as an "activist" in Portland, but really, he is an Assistant to the President of the Oregon Euthanasia network "Compassion and Choices." But all this is kept behind the curtain.  My co-workers in Cascadia who set me up as a target in the "Alien Boy/ Alien Girl" provocation are a part of a globalist called "Process Work" with headquarters in Switzerland and outposts all over the world, including Portland, Oregon. "Process Workers" go all over the world, focusing on war zones and places of conflict. In Portland, the "Process Workers" hold key positions in many crucial agencies, but it's kept behind the curtain too.  The director of "Alien Boy" is Brian Lindstrom, who made the film together with his famous wife Cheryl Strayed who is famous for shooting up heroin and having ultra-promiscuous sex, and cannibalizing human remains on camera and... walking the Pacific Crest Trail, writing a memoir "Wild" and having a movie made, under the same title, "Wild" and becoming a "guru" who preaches that she had learned her life lessons from shooting up heroin.

Cheryl Strayed really should be famous for making a provocation film that conceals how James Chasse really died. In her film "Alien Boy," Cheryl Strayed presented the Portland Satanist/Nazi/terrorist band as "friends of James Chasse." Alien Boy/Alien Girl song directs its followers to "go grab a gun" and chase after Aliens and go "go get this piece of scum" (the "Alien").  In Portland Oregon, this is considered "social activism."  The "Alien Boy" filmmakers collected tax-deductible donations.

In her work, Cheryl Strayed collaborates with Portland terrorism guru Chuck Palahniuk, author of "Fight Club" that outlined the 9/11 attacks years before the 9/11 attacks happened.   The process Work globalist group had used the work of Chuck Palahniuk for years BEFORE 9/11 attacks. Process Work is a network of ultra-rich globalists with networks all over the world where they "fish" for victims (like me), patsies and young angry men to lure them into their provocations.

The "Ela Howard scene" in in the film Alien Boy is dated September 15 - the date when Nazi Germany announced their "racial exclusion laws" in 1935 under Hitler.  I'm actually not Jewish, but apparently, for the purpose for "Hunt after Aliens," the hunters/provocateurs assume I am. Or that I'm a "September 15 Jewish."  I've been subjected to a "hunt" - intimidated on the street with horrible slurs.  Weird objects were put on my yard - rotten meat and excrement in plastic bags, a dead animal (seemed like a road kill), broken pieces of a doll.... stuff was smeared on my door - a brown substance - excrement or blood.  There were weird signs and numbers written on my sidewalk. At first, I thought it was just kids playing, but then I started researching and it seems like these signs could have been the Nazi occult writings called "runes." Only last year I realized that the number "88" - the number that was written several times on the sidewalk outside the house where I used to live - in Nazi code means "Heil Hitler."  When I started doing my research in 2015 I started discovering one thing after another. There were weird "ela howard" things all over the internet, including women that sort-of looked like me, with references to death, or some gruesome stuff.  There was an "ellahoward.com" webpage that had no real content in it, and the owner was an advertising and marketing firm in Gibraltar (that's Spain) that has a red liquid that looks like spilling blood as their intro.

I'm in the process of creating more pages and images.

Maybe I'll manage to push out/squish the scary stuff.  I sure hope so.

Ela Ella Howard Poland Portland Internet stuff

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